Typical Fire Extinguishers Installation Requirement

Fire Extinguishers to be installed shall be listed and FM Approved, with the following markings: Identification of the listing and labeling Organization, Product category indicating the type of extinguisher, extinguisher classification and performance and fire test standards that the extinguisher meets or exceed.

Fire Extinguishers shall be conspicuously located where they are readily accessible and immediately available in event of fire.
Fire extinguishers shall be installed in locations where they are visible, and in locations where they are not visible signs shall be provided to indicate the extinguisher location.

Wheeled fire extinguishers shall be in designated locations.

Each fire extinguisher shall be located along normal paths of travel, including exits from areas.

Individual Signage or placards shall be provided for each extinguisher and shall be placed immediately above each extinguisher.

Fire Extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding 18.14kg shall be installed so that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than 1.5m above the floor, and fire extinguisher having a gross weight greater than 18.18.14kg shall be installed such that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than 1m.

A portable fire extinguisher shall be installed such that the bottom clearance is more than 102mm.

Fire extinguishers shall be installed so that the fire extinguisher instruction faces outwards.

Fire extinguishers shall be installed where they are readily accessible in event of fire, where obstruction to fire extinguishers cannot be avoided, the arrows, lights, or sign must be installed to indicate the location of the fire extinguisher.

Fire extinguishers shall be installed at not more than 22.9m travel distance.

Reference NFPA 10.

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